Were it not for its relative obscurity, we might have co-opted the title of the late-90s musical and called Siri Mix “The Last 5 Years.” Five years ago I asked The Shedd and, as a shot in the dark, I offered to perform an evening of Kurt Weill songs. I had a sincere urge to share with our community this edgy, heartbreaking, provocative music theater, work which I’d been so fascinated by as a young opera singer.
It has been a great joy to discover a partner in The Shedd, in sharing and connecting the audience to music of such varied origin and era. The years since have led me down a road of discovery -- new repertoire, collaboration with such gifted musicians, the art and craft of American standards, and encountering in such a deep way the history of artists. Our work has led me so much further down the path of, essentially, serving the song.
Siri Mix is really a look back at musical moments with The Shedd from 2009-2014, moments that were for me meaningful, sublime, funny, and utterly joy-filled. Together these moments make a pretty darn eclectic mix: old swing, rhumba from Martinique, German theatremusik, tango, Piaf and Brel chanson, and a few gems honoring the artistry of Lorenz Hart and Billie Holiday. I have some incredibly talented colleagues to perform alongside, to boot: Dario LaPoma, piano Tyler Abbot, bass; Adam Carlson, drums; Lily Manis, Violin, and bandleader Jesse Cloninger, reeds. I’m truly thrilled to resurrect these songs, so colorful and full of atmosphere!
Another thing---looking back, and looking forward: perhaps fitting, as this show is a reflection of sorts, Siri Mix will be filmed. This show is the first to be filmed with the aim of exposing the work and the musical and cultural connections we create via Shedd Presents. I’m pleased that you will share in that. -- Siri Vik
Siri Mix is offered in Jaqua cabaret configuration with a bar on the main floor. All seats are reserved. Gold circle tabled seating on the main floor is $32; balcony & rear main rear seating is $24. Youth under 21 are restricted to the balcony and are admitted at $16.
|  | La Mer (1945) Charles Trénet (w) Charles Trénet, Léo Chauliac (m) |
| Madiana (1933) Maïotte Almaby (w/m) |
| AlabamaSong (1927) Mahagonny-Songspiel Bertolt Brecht (w) Kurt Weill (m) |
| Surabaya Johnny (1929) Happy End Bertolt Brecht (w) Kurt Weill (m) |
| Padam Padam (1953) Henri Contet (w) Norbert Glanzberg (m) |
| Au suivant (1964) Jacques Brel (w/m) |